CPR Guardian Watch III

Peace of mind for carers...

Peace of mind for carers

We supply a full range of products for nurses and for care homes. This includes the very best systems available for everything from preventing wandering to indicating falls and seizures.

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...for friends and family...

For friends and family

When a loved one is at risk, it's vital to do everything possible to make sure they're looked after. Our care alarms allow reliable monitoring of your elderly and disabled relatives.

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...and extra comfort for you.

Extra comfort for you

Staying safe while living on your own is of the highest importance. Our range of care alarms for independent living can help to keep you safe and give you peace of mind within your own home.

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Alarms for every environment

Find your perfect care alarms by the environment in which they will be used.
Click on the area below to see the full range of suitable alarms.

Bedrooms Care Homes Bathrooms Kitchens